Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dark was the Night, Cold was the Ground

As the first month of Spring comes to a close, I'm having some difficulty staying focused solely on portraits. Might be a little ADD, ADHD, OCD, or whatever label is in fashion for the creative minded, but I feel some of my original designs falling away...letting go of plans and just going to ride the waves of inspiration without expectations.

Work in progress, nearly finished. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

1 of 3 portraits in progress

Faces like landscapes, stories etched deeply over time, evidence of footsteps taken to reach inside to find what is behind the veils of appearance.

Work in progress, charcoal and pastel on prepared paper 22x33 inches

Friday, April 25, 2014

In Progress

My first movements beginning to represent a recommitment to drawing for inspiration's expression. Also, giving thought to portraiture as metaphor.

Charcoal and pastel, initial drawing in progress

Monday, April 21, 2014

First Light

Stirrings of inspiration, a path home, the tools from the journey on the path of life have been gathered, and at first light...the muse's first kiss.

Mixed media on paper, 18x24