Thursday, July 24, 2014

See, Hear, and Speak a Little

Pastel, casein, and powdered pigment triptych on panels 12x36inches(total size)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What is Inspiration

There is a sea upon which ideas float like messages in bottles, this is inspiration. We, artists, float in this space to put the messages in the empty vessels, so that someone, somewhere might read them and recognize the vast beauty of our time, our place, in this moment floating in the sea. In this recognition, there is a connection...a moment outside ourselves, when "I" becomes "We" and we enter the field where dichotomies are resolved.

"See a Little"

"Hear a Little"

First two panels of a triptych, pastel over an oil/alkyd ground on 12x12inch masonite

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"The discipline of art requires constant experimentation, wherein errors are harbingers of original ideas because they introduce new directions for expression. The mistake is outside the intended course of action, and it may present something that we never saw before, something unexpected and contradictory, something that may be put to use.”
Claude Monet

Gravity of Inaction
Charcoal and powdered lamplack on paper

Mixing Media

I used to think of myself as a purist with regards to materials, so it has been such an revelation for me now to let go of limitations and experiment with various combinations of media I have on hand. The Art is after all really the journey and the action of creation, when the soul moves uninhibited with the spirit of the muse.

Silver rendered over acrylic and wax ground with pastel on paper soaked in ink...about 9x12inches.